Well Hello There!

I’m Heather, a Digital Asset Management professional with a passion for problem-solving and innovation. I pride myself on being platform agnostic and a well rounded generalist. Need some assistance with conquering your digital assets? I can help!

About Me

I'm a big fan of taking every opportunity to grow

I am the first to admit that I am an overachiever. I blame it on spending the formative years of my life training for the Olympics. I chose to pursue a dual degree while in college, I studied abroad for a full year in China, I had multiple part time jobs, and I did it all in four years. Once I broke out into the real world I was introduced to DAM in my first role at ICP, the agency not the infamous hip hop duo, and got the chance to work on launching Coca-Cola’s new DAM. It was the opportunity of a lifetime and true trial by fire. After learning the ropes at ICP I was brought on to the team at UPS where I have had the chance to work as a product owner within an Agile environment. Each role has offered me a different perspective on how DAM implementations differ and how to identify businesses individual needs.

My Experience

I am a bit obsessed with learning new things

Digital Asset Management Specialist - UPS

Brand Asset Manager - ICP


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